Monday, December 8, 2008

thindukal saraTHI SONGS

thindukal sarathi. ...
thindukal sarathi
thindukal sarathi
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videos, MP3s, amateur fotokalas film clips and more . thindukal sarathi. kanmani nillu karanam sollu /thindukal sarathi. tags: Film sarathi thindukal Film

Sunday, June 29, 2008

cancer treatment

cancer treatment if you are uninsured or your insurance doesn't cover all of your prescriptions, getting the medicine you need can be expensive. This is especially true for cancer patients who often have multiple prescriptions.Let's say you have a prescription for chemotherapy, but it causes an upset stomach. You need an antinausea medication to go along with the chemo prescription.cancer treatment Then the chemo has caused you to become anemic, so you need a prescription for an iron supplement -- the list can go on and on. The bottom line is that the prescription costs for a cancer patient paying out of pocket can exceed a mortgage payment.spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. cancer treatment This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. In each case the tumor masses disappeared. Also all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hr; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period. cancer treatment Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidences of cancer are very low showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy.

Friday, June 20, 2008

google page rank increase profitability text links

This email comes from a Blogger reader who wishes to remain anonymous:I have watched with interest the Google Page Rank fiasco (is there any other words for it) that happened recently. I am a blogger with numerous blogs who sells text links both privately and through a text link selling service on my blog and who was not penalized in the latest Page Rank update.Since the update I’ve noticed four things:
1. About 50% of the blogs in my niche that used to sell text links have stopped doing so.
2. I’ve had about a 50% increase in demand for text link purchases in the last week.
3. I have had an increase in the number of private text link sales this week.
4. The amounts advertisers are willing to pay me have gone up.a you mentioned in your post on the 27th the laws of demand and supply are coming into effect. Less bloggers are selling text links but the demand remains steady. As a result prices are going up, more are going directly to bloggers to cut out the middle man and my profits are going sky high.I just wanted to feed back to you that while Google might be happy to stop some selling text links that their actions have actually benefited many text link sellers greatly. I estimate that I have made an extra $1500 in the last week from Google’s update.I for one hope that Google continues to crack down on the practice because it will mean I could retire young!”

Thursday, June 19, 2008

worlds Numa Arts: literature, performance, Art

Okay, so I'm going to let out my peacenik persona today. And I'm going to use Angelina Jolie as a case in point. She just happens to be a timely example, but far from the only one.Jolie has set herself up, somewhat, as an international humanitarian. She has made trips to troubled areas and adopted children from all over the world. This is all well and good as far as it goes. It's good to see celebrities spend their millions on things other than the outfit for their next photo op.
I just watched a trailer online for Jolie's next movie, Wanted. It seems to be an ultra-violent story of a society of assassins. I have no idea where the story goes (despite it being based upon a comic book series---I'm reading a lot less comics these days) and it may be that it is, ultimately, an anti-violence film.But the trailer is just so damned sexy. It is slick and cool and all the violence looks very exciting and clean and shiny . . .
It is a huge disconnect from the humanitarian work that Jolie does.
I won't see this movie, so if it is a story of a society of assassins being brought low by their own violent lives, if there is, indeed, a moral to this story, someone will have to tell me about it. The trailer doesn't leave me much hope for that, however.
My point being, how do we hope for a better world, wherein the need for international humanitarian trips are reserved for natural disasters and make---and consume---entertainment that glorifies the violence that creates orphans? As other people have asked before me, if we contend that art can inspire us to becoming better people, the opposite is also true---art can inspire us to become worse people.

This isn't a cry for censorship. I would never call for laws that say movies like Wanted shouldn't be made or distributed.This is a call for artists to think about what they're doing, what they're putting out in the culture. I don't believe in censorship but I do believe in responsibility. If violence is part of a story, I find it irresponsible to make it look cool and attractive and sexy and smart. I recall reading that part of the impact of Bonnie and Clyde, some 40 years ago, was that it was violent, yes, but it was a sickening violence. It revealed violence for what it was. To me, that's a more responsible artistic statement.Again, I don't believe in censorship. Make all the sexy violent movies you want. Just be aware that there is responsibility in what we create. There can be incredible influence in what we put out into the world, and it's just plain hypocritical to offer humanitarian aid one day and create ultra-violent, super-sexy assassins the next.Abecedarical Classics -

Features classics of literature, mathematics, and science that can be read on-line for free. Books are organized by author and by topic. Many of these books are out of print and not available in many libraries. Includes a dictionary and thesaurus. Site can be searched by keyword. - [Read more]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The worlds Entrepreneurs and Small Business Blog

The Definitive Blog for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses
Interested in Going Global

How to Do Business in Central America and the Dominican Republic

Authored an article for Small Business Success Magazine on Doing Business in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

To download the PDF file, visit world and click on the Just Released button. Let me know what you think of it.

What Are Considered the Most Livable Countries?

The most recent Human Development Index (HDI) -- Trends, published annually by the U.N., has much to offer in the way of measuring development by combining indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment and income into a composite index. It seems that the higher a listing, the easier to do business -- I would imagine.

Learn more but be ready to take time out of your busy schedule to explore. Fascinating information. And it's endless. Wikipedia definition here.

Exporting for Smaller Firms has launched a Small Business Center as part of its Business Resource Center, which offers expert advise and useful resources to help small businesses succeed.

What we are happy about is they included information on expanding internationally such as this video "Exporting For Smaller Firms."

Let's hope they continue offering useful information to "go global.

Has Offshoring Hit the Global Small Business Market?

Well it surely has hit Madison Avenue. More work is being shipped to little-known businesses in such places as Costa Rica and Bulgaria. If the ad guys and gals can do it, so can you.

Friday, June 13, 2008


FreeReservation is a new Italian travel agency specialized in cheap and discounted hotel booking. Thanks to it search engine, you are able to find not only accommodations in the most famous cities like Rome, Venice or Florence , but also in other splendid location that sometimes are forgotten by competitors. Think for example at the splendid Costiera Amalfitana, one of the UNESCO's World Heritage Site: FreeReservation permits you to book an hotel in all its town like Amalfi, Positano, Ravello and so on. And don't forget also the splendid Capri island...another Italian jewel. Using the site is extremely simple: just fill the form on the main page with all the information required like city (you can search for Hotel Florence, Hotel Venice,Hotel Naples or all the other destination available in the list), price range, accommodation type, zone and period. For each solution offered you will find a detailed description with photos, available amenities and accommodation position over a map. Reviews from other users are available...and also you can write your own review. Price, as mentioned before, are extremely interesting: most of the solutions are heavy discounted (up to 20% respect normal price) thanks to direct deals that this travel agency has with hotels all over Italy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2008 madras university results april

My college is affiliated to madras university. The Madras University is the best when compared to Anna University as they want to implement nonsense things only just because they wanted to. In colleges affiliated to Madras Univ, you find peace and a steady progress in the interest towards the subject and a total reduction in the stress level. When i appreciate all these, there are rumors that something went wrong with Madras university results, I totally disagree. This time the results are a bit delayed only because they

1. - click here for results
2. - click here for results
3. - click here for results

implemented a new system and they have to be a bit more careful about the entries they have made, they have to double check on each and every thing they have done to reduce the flaw in the system. I scold the fellows who try to act smart by sending false SMS to others about results. It is better to keep quite and wait, because you are in one of the best University in India. No matter what Madras Univ guys can do more things than other guys, cos we can spend our time usefully unlike Engineering students. As far as i know, the results will published in 2 weeks from now. So don’t worry !